New Hemp Tein Z NPNF® Protein Technology for an Innovative Approach to Balanced and Healthy Beauty

TRI-K Industries, Inc., a global specialty ingredient manufacturer for the beauty and personal care industry, has launched a new protein dedicated to balancing hair and skin health, Hemp Tein Z NPNF®.  Health and wellness have grown beyond just trends, becoming an integral part of consumer’s everyday lives, superseding nutrition and exercise and morphing into a 360-degree lifestyle approach.  At the forefront of this shift are beauty routines.  Hemp Tein Z NPNF® is a novel protein that targets this mega-movement in two ways: by providing a label friendly, hot trend ingredient and delivering proven benefits for skin homeostasis and hair health.

Consumers incorporate health and wellness into almost every facet of their being, from clothing selections to mental health, cosmetics to technology.  According to The Global Wellness Institute, the estimated global wellness market was worth US$4.2 trillion in 2018 with a projected compound annual growth rate of 6% through 2023.  Wellness has become a goal that is achieved through life balance, with increasing focus on emotional and mental wellbeing along with spiritual harmony.  In this pursuit, consumers are looking for new ways to change their routines and return to the basics, finding equilibrium in mind, body and soul.  This journey has led to a surge in the “Green Rush”, with plant-based products in food, beauty, clothing and consumer products leading the way for innovation.

Hemp products play a key role in this trend.  Growing rapidly, hemp is used in everything from paper to pharmaceutical goods, contributing to over 50,000 commercial products.  In beauty, products launched with hemp or cannabis claims saw a 127% increase in 2019 over 2018, according to a Mintel GNPD search.  This comes as no surprise as the knowledge of hemp’s compelling and effective benefits become more widely known.  Hemp is described as a superfood and is the only vegetable protein that has all of the required essential amino acids human bodies need.  Hemp Tein Z NPNF® harnesses the power of this plant to provide potent benefits for skin and hair.

In skin care, Hemp Tein Z NPNF® restores epidermal homeostasis, enhances hydration and improves skin texture.  Homeostasis in the epidermis is the first line of defense against potential damage from environmental exposure and external stress.  It is the key element of maintaining a healthy epidermis.  Unbalanced skin homeostasis causes damage to the skin that can result in decreased lipid content, dryness, roughness, weakened barrier function, impaired cornified envelope, poor cell cohesion and loss of skin strength.  Normal skin homeostasis is critical to provide a healthier barrier function, as well as a more uniform and harmonious skin complexion.

Hemp Tein Z NPNF® helps maintain healthy homeostasis in skin by upregulating key genes involved in the epidermal barrier homeostasis pathways to fortify skin barrier function, promote natural lipid homeostasis, enhance hydration by stimulating synthesis of hyaluronic acid and strengthen intercellular cohesion, tight junctions and desmosomal junctions.  After only 14 days in clinical studies, Hemp Tein Z NPNF® visibly reduced wrinkles and scaliness by 14% and 32% respectively while increasing skin homogeneity by 30% for a more uniform, vibrant and rejuvenated appearance.

 Skin is not the only beneficiary of Hemp Tein Z NPNF®’s restorative properties.  In hair care, this product strengthens, increases elasticity and repairs cuticles after chemical damage.  In evaluations on bleached Caucasian hair with shampoo and rinse-off conditioner, Hemp Tein Z NPNF® increased hair strength by 18% and elasticity by 11%.  When viewed under scanning electron microscopy, hair fibers treated with Hemp Tein Z NPNF® were visibly smoother and more cohesive, leaving hair healthier and more resilient.

In addition to skin and hair benefits, Hemp Tein Z NPNF® is an environmental and label friendly product.  COSMOS pending, it is made from the recycled biomass that is created during the extraction process for hemp oil.  Derived only from hemp seeds of the Cannabis Sativa plant, Hemp Tein Z NPNF® is organically sourced, water soluble, non-GMO and free from gluten, THC and CBD.  Hemp Tein Z NPNF® is the perfect addition to a wide variety of skin and hair products.  Balance, hydrate and restore your skin and hair with this proven ingredient.

About TRI-K Industries, Inc.

Since 1974, TRI-K Industries, Inc. has been a leading manufacturer of actives & specialty ingredients, bringing groundbreaking concepts and products to life for the cosmetics industry.  TRI-K strives to keep ahead of the curve with a specialization in unique cosmetic protein technology, including amino acids and natural peptides, mild surfactants, modern and traditional preservatives and multi-active optimized ingredient solutions. At TRI-K, we combine an awareness of consumer trends with innovative technologies to maintain our superior product offerings in the industry.  Our in-house development team is constantly pioneering the discovery of new materials, resulting in enhanced consumer benefits to provide customers with a consistent competitive advantage.         


TRI-K Opens New Proteins Production Plant To Meet Customer Demand