Colla Tein N55 NPNF®


Colla Tein N55 NPNF® is produced enzymatically under carefully controlled conditions to ensure the lowest possible odor and ash. Hydrolyzed collagen gives a protective effect against irritation from exposure to surface active agents. Due to its film forming and moisture binding properties, it improves the moisture content of skin and hair.

INCI Hydrolyzed Collagen

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Key ingredients

  • Collagen


  • Helps strengthen after 2 applications for more resilient and breakage resistant hair

  • Revitalizes hair by helping to repair damage and increase elasticity

  • Conditions for healthier looking hair

  • Improves manageability for softer, smoother hair

  • Combination of proteins,amino acids, peptides and oligopeptides for benefits inside & out

  • High level of arginine

  • Molecular weight ~ 3,100 Da


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Proteins are the workhorses of cells and serve as the catalyst for virtually every biochemical reaction that occurs in living things. Made up of specific combinations of amino acids, our hydrolyzed proteins provide impressive functional benefits for beauty and personal care. Our protein portfolio has proven efficacy while being gentle on skin and hair.

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