
Best in class anti-fungal protection

Sodium Dehydroacetate is the perfect preservative for natural and organic formulations. It has become a gold standard for the safe, effective protection of a variety of applications, from rinse-off to leave-on as well as color cosmetics.

INCI Sodium Dehydroacetate

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Claims & Certifications



  • Well accepted preservative

  • Excellent anti-fungal activity


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Modern Preservatives

Preservatives and antimicrobial boosters are key elements to every safe and stable formulation. Our portfolio of modern and eco-friendly molecules allows you to find the right solution for your specific application. Many of our preservatives offer benefits beyond antimicrobial efficacy, making them the perfect ingredients for your next formulation project.

HyaClear® 7
Fision® Instant Lift
NaturePep® Ganoderma
NaturePep® Sacha Inchi
Hemp Tein Z NPNF®